Last month I entered a giveaway on another blog (Mama Chocolate) for Tropical Traditions Organic Canadian Raw Honey. I was so excited when she emailed me and told me that I was the winner. I have been eying several products on the Tropical Traditions website for quite some time now, and this was on the top of my list. Today my honey arrived and it didn't take me but two seconds to pry off the lid and dip a spoon into it. I have to say this is the most AMAZING honey I have ever tasted! It's solid instead of liquid like the honey I'm used to purchasing at the local grocery store, but it just melts in your mouth. It has the consistency of a thick spread. I toasted a piece of 9 grain bread that I made in the bread machine and spread peanut butter and this honey on it and it was sooo good! Now I need to find some good recipes to include this.
In addition to Organic Canadian Raw Honey, Tropical Traditions also sells a lot of organic foods, cleaners, body care products, even pet food and many, many other items. On my list of MUST TRY items is the Organic Coconut Peanut Butter, Organic Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil, Powdered Dish Washer Detergent, and Bug Arrest (for my garden). Their website is very informative and they even have some very tasty recipes that I'm dying to try. I also enjoy reading articles on their blog Created 4 Health.
Tropical Traditions also has a great referral program. You will be able to acquire your own complimentary copy of their Virgin Coconut Oil book. When you choose “Referred by a Friend” and enter my User ID: 7454309 on your first online order, the book will be automatically added to your order.

In addition to Organic Canadian Raw Honey, Tropical Traditions also sells a lot of organic foods, cleaners, body care products, even pet food and many, many other items. On my list of MUST TRY items is the Organic Coconut Peanut Butter, Organic Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil, Powdered Dish Washer Detergent, and Bug Arrest (for my garden). Their website is very informative and they even have some very tasty recipes that I'm dying to try. I also enjoy reading articles on their blog Created 4 Health.
Tropical Traditions also has a great referral program. You will be able to acquire your own complimentary copy of their Virgin Coconut Oil book. When you choose “Referred by a Friend” and enter my User ID: 7454309 on your first online order, the book will be automatically added to your order.

Very cool! You just reminded me that I should go to one of our farms in town and get some raw local honey... My allergies are driving me crazy, and that has always seemed to work for me when the allergy medicines don't! Let me know if you find any good "honey" recipes!